The Friends of Croydon Road Recreation Ground

Become a Member!

The Friends is an entirely not-for-profit organisation that relies on donations from members to enable us to continue our work in the Rec, for the local community.

Becoming a member is easy. We ask for a small £5 annual membership subscription for individuals or families, or £10 for companies or organisations. There are two ways to send us your payment - either by using our online payments system, securely powered by PayPal, or by cheque. Online is our preferred method where possible. Membership runs from January to December each year.

To become a member or renew your membership online with your credit card or your PayPal account quickly and simply, please use the 'subscribe' button below. Becoming a member online is easy and your membership auto-renews annually (you will get email notification of this). As a volunteer group, this can save us valuable time in following up on membership subscriptions each year and we thank you for your help with this! You can of course choose to rescind your membership at any time - please email us at to do so.

If you would prefer to become a member via a cheque payment please make it payable to 'The Friends of Croydon Road Recreation Ground' and send it to: The Friends of Croydon Road Recreation Ground, c/o 41 The Drive, Beckenham, BR3 1EE. You can print off an application form here, if required.

Please get in touch if you have any questions -

Thank you!

The Friends

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© The Friends of Croydon Road Recreation Ground 2008 -