Events Archive

See the calendar on the left for regular events in the Hall


The Hall decorated for the Ceilidh





Hall Improvements

The Hall committee invested in a dishwasher which was recently installed and has been most welcome to the groups who have made use of it.

Lighting has been added to the hall which gives it a delightfully soft look, ideal for social events. The lights change colour, and if you are standing outside the hall the effect is visible too.

Our third recent investment has been in new tables. The tables we had were of different sizes and heights, so were difficult to link together into a long table. The new tables are much better as individual tables, as well as providing the verstility of tables which can run the length of the hall.

The stage has always been Arctic - (these Victorians must have been hardy!). The cold seeps up from the storage space under it. The Hall committee have decided to put those on the stage out of their misery, and have carpeted it in hard wearing material matching the curtains. A whole new look to the stage indeed.

Planning is now in hand for Hall events in the future which will be put on this website as they are decided on! Watch this space so that you can plan ahead.

New lights in Hall - set up for ceilidh

Ceilidh Band on stage

Click the images above to enlarge them


Relaunch of Innellan Village Hall Saturday October 2, 2021

So many people have moved into our village recently that we invited the community to come to the relaunch of the Hall into its place in Innellan society. All the groups who use the hall were there and were able to explain what they do. It will give everyone an opportunity to see all the things which go on in our village.

There was also an archive exhibition. The books about our village were on sale. The historical walks started again.

And if none of that was enough to tempt you what about the teas, coffees and home baking?

Our much overdue Hall AGM took place in Innellan Village Hall Saturday October 9, 2021

The Innellan Village Hall AGM took place one week after the re-launch. Again all the groups who use the Hall were invited to attend, along with everyone interested in the Hall continuing at the heart of the community. All welcome with suggestions for the future. What new ideas have people come up with during the months of isolation? What new activities can happen in the Hall?

Come and be part of the running of Innellan Village Hall.



6th Dec - The Osborne Hotel - Real Ale Night.


10th Nov - Remembrance Sunday -soup and savouries in the hall following the laying of the wreath at Innellan War memorial.

16th Nov - The SCCDG held a Jumble Sale. Proceeds went to the buyout of the Lido.

30th Nov - Inspiring Innellan had a coffee morning for Ollies Wee Bothy.

30th Nov - St Andrews Night Ceilidh for Village Hall funds. Music with Canned Haggis.

October 2019

May 2019

Saturday 11th

Acoustic II - Open mic. night for local performers

Sunday 12th

Innellan and World War II
A talk, followed by a walk, on the impact of the Second World War on our village

February 2019

Innellan Village Hall Family Ceilidh with music by Canned Haggis - Saturday 2nd

SCCDC Community Buy out of Lido shop - Thursday 14th

Inspiring Innellan Quiz night - Friday 15th

SWI Quiz with fish 'n chips. - Friday 22nd


December 2018

Xmas lights switch-on and party 2nd Dec
Proceeds went to Ollies Wee Bothy

Panto "Beauty and the Beast" by Hopscotch Theatre

Christmas Party (Innellan nursery) 15th Dec

Christmas Film show (Dunoon Grammar) 16th Dec

November 2018

Art Exhibition (old pier art group)

Commemoration of the end of World War I. Following on from the talk in the hall in March to raise funds for the cadets to go to the battlefields of Belgium and France, they came to talk about their experience there. There was also a short talk on the work being done to aid soldiers locally. The formal part of the evening concluded with a commemoration event and this was followed by a light supper.
Donations will go to the organisation for helping soldiers in need.

Remembrance Sunday

Jumble sale run by SCCDC

Matheson Church Fair

October 2018

Halloween party (nursery)

Silent Auction (Inspiring Innellan)

September 2018

Sept 1
Jumble Sale fundraiser for the buyout of the Lido.

Sept 22

August 2018

August 3
The Village Hall ran a Whist Drive as a fundraiser
This was the first of a regular event

August 4
Family Day which was a fundraiser for Olly’s Bothy

August 9
This was very big day for Innellan
Inspiring Innellan has been doing a great deal to improve the look of the village, and on that day the judges from Beautiful Scotland came to judge.
There was a display in the hall about the work of Inspiring Innellan

August 11
This was a fundraiser to support 18 year old Jack Strang who is going to volunteer later in the year in a school and an orphanage in Kenya

August 18- 25
The Hall was closed for the Pipe Band to take up their annual residence

July 2018

July 6 - There was a quiz night run by Inspiring Innellan

July 7th - Acoustic Innellan - A gathering of local musicians showcased their talents in a myriad of genres.

July 14th - There was a coffee morning run by Inspiring Innellan

June 2018

Community Engagement - On June 27th and June 30th - Discussion of the possibility of a buy out of the Lido

May 2018

South Cowal Community Festival ran from 11th May to 19th May.

13th May - A Heritage Walk ended at the hall for refreshments

Pet Show

14th May - Art group Exhibition

16th May - Art Exhibition with crafters at work
- Mini bus tours to Corlarach Forest

17th May - Inspiring Innellan open night and art exhibition

18th May -Yoga

A Heritage Walk finished in the hall for refreshments,

Funky dancing for children

Quiz night

Art Exhibition

19th May -Jack and Jill afternoon tea

Art Exhibition

March 2018

9th March - Quiz Night run by Inspiring Innellan

10th March - Daffodil Tea run by Innellan Nursery

16th March – Talk by Margaret Hubbard on World War I as a fundraiser for the Cadets who are planning a visit to the Batltefields of the Western Front, particularly where the Argylls fought, later in the year.

17th March - Matheson Church Spring Fair

24- 25th March - The Church held an Easter Labyrinth in the Hall.
Set within the context of that first Holy Week, you could experience for yourself the events of Easter from Palm Sunday through to the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
It was an invitation to step aside from the busy-ness of the world to contemplate the meaning of Easter and how it may relate to life today with opportunities throughout for quiet personal prayer and/or reflection. 

February 2018

2nd February  - A Quiz night was run by the Group Inspiring Innellan

  23rd February  - A Quiz with fish and chips took place run by the WI

January 2018

20th January - Innellan Village Hall AGM – There was a coffee morning and the AGM followed. This was an opportunity to hear what goes on in the hall- -it is a very busy place- and enjoy a coffee and  scone.

21st January  - Soup and Sandwiches for Wild Animal Rescue

26th January – A Scottish Night was run by the Group Inspiring Innellan


December 2017

1st December - Beer Festival hosted by Osborne Hotel (evening)

2nd December - Toward Sailing Club party(evening)

On 3rd December at 6pm there was a family event where the Christmas tree was erected opposite the hall. Santa and his two helpers were there and there was carol singing. Again, this is part of the Inspiring Innellan project.

10th December - Wizard of Oz pantomime by Hopscotch Theatre. There were 2 performances of this show.

17th December - Christmas party for Innellan Nursery

November 2017

4th November - Community Engagement Event promoted by South Cowal Community Development Company.
This looked at how future assets should be used for future projects. Also there was an Arts and Crafts exhibition and competition.
The guest speaker was Sandy Brunton of Mull and Iona Trust.

"Inspiring Innellan" - This is a new project which comes under the umbrella of the Community Council. The aim of the project is to look at what makes Innellan so attractive. There was a Quiz night in the hall on 17th November linked to the new project.

On 19th November the Community Council held a meeting in the hall at 3pm. to explain the purpose of Inspiring Innellan.

12th November - Remembrance Sunday. Refreshments were available in the hall after the ceremonies.

18th November - Matheson Church Christmas Fair

October 2017

On 6th October –There was Scottish Entertainment and a buffet featuring Tom Irvine and Two fiddler groups.

The Hall was being used on 13-15th Oct in the afternoon following the Innellan Heritage walks which were part of Cowalfest.

The annual Children's Halloween party took place on 30th October. The proceeds went to the Innellan nursery.

September 2017

There was be a coffee morning (for cat rescue) on Sat 30th September.

Innellan Village Hall AGM

The trustees were busy this year with the garden project, as well as the management of all the groups who meet in the hall on a regular basis. All were invited to attend to hear the annual reports, and also what is planned for the next financial year.

The trustees would welcome new members on to the management committee. Please do come along and join us.

April 2017

The Church held an Easter Labyrinth in the Hall.
Set within the context of that first Holy Week, you could experience for yourself the events of Easter from Palm Sunday through to the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
It was an invitation to step aside from the busy-ness of the world to contemplate the meaning of Easter and how it may relate to life today with opportunities throughout for quiet personal prayer and/or reflection. 

March 2017

At the end of March the Hall was full of people who came together to celebrate the late Margaret Winning. She was a well known figure in the village and a very keen country dancer. Friends and family gathered to dance and to sing.

Click on pictures to enlarge

The annual Church Fair took place in the Hall.
This was a fundraiser for the Church and included a book sale, crafts, baking and tombola. An added attraction were crafts by two of the young girls of the village.
The entry price included coffee and a cake and even a hot cross bun.

Jenny and Andy Phillips, who live in Greenock but have family in Innellan, put on a film show in the hall. They have a collection of 16mm cine film which they show for charity. They have already shown films in the primary school and the old black and white movies were a great hit with today’s youngsters. The film shown was called 'Passage to Pimlico'.

Fund raising Daffodil Tea put on by Innellan and Toward Family Centre. 
As last year there were stalls selling plants,bric a brac etc.

February 2017

Guys and Dolls - This highly successful venture began last year and is now going to take place on the last Thursday of each month.
It is designed for seniors who just want to have a get-together and afternoon entertainment.
All welcome.

Quiz with Fish and Chip Supper - Did you think the WI was only about home baking? Not so.

Tickets were £8 per person and included supper.
The quiz was in teams of 4 and there was a raffle. This was a fund raising event in aid of the SWI.

Valentine's Tea - This took place for the WI in mid February. Love was definitely in the Innellan air

Dr Phil, the Mechanic and Friends - In early February Dr Phil, the Mechanic and Friends, a local band, came along and played for Guys and Dolls.  Their  material was a variety of musical genres including Scottish and Irish Folk, American Country and Country Blues, ragtime and Old times music.  It was a great afternoon.

January 2017

There was a soup and sandwich lunch in aid of Dunoon Cat Rescue.
Apart from the soup and sandwich there were a tombola, baking and other stalls.


December 2016

Beer Festival hosted by Osborne Hotel.

Aladdin Pantomime by Hopscotch Theatre.

November 2016

Matheson Church Christmas Fair - 2pm to 4pm.

Remembrance Sunday
Soup and sandwiches were provided for those involved.

"The Underground Man" performed by AJTC Theatre Group

Adapted by Nick Wood from Mick Jackson's novel, this drama is based on eccentric English aristocrat
William John Cavendish Scott-Bentinck, the 5th Duke of Portland,
and his life of fascination, obsession and deep scientific curiosity.

St Andrews Night Dinner

Christmas craft fair hosted by Riverbank Surgery

October 2016

Halloween Party - 2pm to 3.30pm - £2 per child
Traditional fun and games for school children.

September 2016

Most groups start back in September
and this includes the newly started "Guys and Dolls" social club which runs fortnightly starting on 2nd September.

July 2016

Fundraising for Marie Curie on 1st July in Innellan Village Hall
(click image above to enlarge)

Innellan Village Hall Garden

Thanks to substantial contributions from The Big Lottery Fund and Foundation Scotland (Baillie Gifford Community Awards), local contractor Willie Donn is working hard to turn the ground at the back of the hall into an attractive garden area.

The Rose Fletcher Pipe band who use the hall during the Cowal Games Week, is also contributing to the purchase of pots and plants.

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Copyright © 2011 - - Innellan Village Hall, 51 Shore Road, Innellan, Argyll, PA23 7TH