December 2019

BBC Genome has made 1950s Radio Times magazines
available online for the first time!

Time to unwrap your early Christmas gift from BBC Genome: the full pages of Radio Times from the 1950s.

In their latest blog, they reminisce about that distant decade....

The decade that changed TV - BBC reveals Radio Times magazines from the 1950s: https://twitter.com/i/status/1208688700567228417

Find the 1950s Radio Times issues here: https://genome.ch.bbc.co.uk/issues#decade-1950

October 2019


Following their successful series of recordings of the BBC Northern Dance orchestra, Scottish Variety Orchestra and Midland Radio Orchestra, the N.D.O Project are now pleased to present their latest recording - a double CD of the erstwhile BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra which provided light music several times a week to listeners of the BBC for over thirty years. Having been involved in selecting the tracks, I could be accused of bias when I say that the 56 tracks on this album, all taken from vintage radio programmes such as 'Morning Music' and 'Melody on the Move' probably represent the finest collection of tuneful light music that you are ever likely to encounter on CD.

This is the music with which many of us grew up, good tunes composed by such talented musicians as George Melachrino, Sidney Torch, Peter Yorke, Ron Goodwin and many others. Most of the conductors who fronted this orchestra over the years are represented, in particular their founder conductor David Curry, whose arrangements of Irish traditional tunes became world famous and are included on this CD.

Copies are available by contacting the NDO project at ndoinfo@virginmedia.com

If you are local to Manchester, there is normally 1 copy at Johnny Roadhouse's shop
123 Oxford Road,
All Saints,
M1 7DU.

Tel 0161 273 1111 to check for stock on all NDO project CDs

Brian Reynolds

August 2019

The John Wilson Orchestra - Prom 30: The Warner Brothers Story

19:30 Friday 9th August 2019 - Royal Albert Hall

Ten years since their first Proms appearance together, John Wilson and the John Wilson Orchestra present an evening of sumptuous technicoloured scores from the Golden Age of Hollywood cinema.With music from films including The Sea Hawk, The Constant Nymph, Calamity Jane, A Streetcar Named Desire and Harry Potter.

TV Broadcast on BBC Four at 8pm

Broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 at 7.30pm and recorded for future broadcast on BBC Radio 2.


June 2019

Review of The Aspidistra Drawing Room Orchestra Concert- Lauderdale House, Monday 27th May 2019

For enthusiasts of traditional light music like myself, there is only one place to go on the second Bank Holiday in May, and that's Lauderdale House in Highgate, North London, to hear the wonderful Aspidistra Drawing Room Orchestra recreating the sounds of a by-gone age - but somehow making it just as acceptable to a modern audience as it was to their forbears. Indeed, good music can never 'date' - that which was deemed 'good' in its heyday will always be good; time cannot change that!

Adam Bakker, the Orchestra's founder and director, was worried that, because his computer had 'wiped' their mailing list and they had been unable to notify regulars of the concert, this might result in a low turnout.

In fact, the opposite was true as a record number of people attended, with many having to stand!

You don't go to an Aspidistra concert to hear all your favourite pieces, because the orchestra make a point of playing neglected compositions -often the lesser known numbers by famous composers, or Continental items which have rarely been heard in Britain.

Vocal items are beautifully executed by Liz Menezes and Camilla Cutts. Liz, who has also played second violin in the orchestra for many years, has now been promoted to leader - and what a splendid job she made of it! The orchestra (despite being essentially amateur) sounded professional and as good as I've ever heard it!

Some of the better-known items were Charles Williams' Girls in Grey, Ernest Tomlinson's Mississippi Melody, Howard Whitney's Mosquito's Parade and Cafe Bonheur by accordionist, Henry Krein. There was also an intriguing piece by Julio Cesar Ibanez called Der Student Geht Vorbei which I immediately recognised as Cupid's Army! It is by no means unusual for music to be given a different title when published in another country.

As usual with these concerts, time passed very quickly and we can only look forward to more of the same next year.

© Brian Reynolds 2019

June 2019

Doris Day has passed away at the age of 97

Doris Day [born April 1922] recently passed away [May 13th 2019] at the age of 97.

The American actress, singer and animal welfare activist, [who had been a member of The Robert Farnon Society], was the subject of a fullsome tribute in Journal into Melody issue 158, March 2004, by Richard Hindley

In a subsequent edition [issue 160, September 2004], there was a further news item regarding an honour Doris received from the US President in June of that year.

We are grateful to Tony Foster for bringing these to our attention and are very pleased to reproduce them in our Articles section - click here!

May 2019

A Hound and a Horn

An article by Brian Willey about the history of 'Nipper', the HMV listening dog, was published in the October 2018 edition of 'Best of British' magazine and can be found in the articles section of this website. It is reproduced here by kind permission of Brian Willey.

April 2019

The Farnon Musical Lineage

An interview with Thomas Farnon by Dan Adams has been posted in the articles section of this website. The article originally appeared in the Spring 2019 edition of the Light Music Society Magazine and is reproduced by kind permission.

February 2019

News from Iain Sutherland

Iain Sutherland has been awarded the Gold Badge of Merit by the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors for Lifetime Achievement and his unique contribution to British music.

He is a Featured Artist on Classic FM.

Recent recordings include:-
“Sailing By: 25 British Light Classics”. Iain Sutherland Concert Orchestra. ALC1392. Feb.2019.
“Bernstein: Broadway to Hollywood”Hannover Philharmonie. Somm 5002. Aug. 2018.
CD review section]

Forthcoming release May/ June 2019:-
“Love and War”: The Greatest Classical Album of Film Music … Ever!”
(Mozart; Walton; Prokofiev; Korngold; Khachaturian; Williams; Steiner; Goodwin).

January 2019

Michel Legrand (1932-2019)

Michel Legrand, who died on 26th January at the age of 86, was a prolific composer of music for over 250 films.

An obituary by Anthony Wills can be read here and Anthony will be paying tribute to Michel Legrand at the next London Light Music Meetings Group gathering on Sunday May 5th 2019.

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