BUNTING 1939 2016

Alan Bunting was
born on 1st August
1939, in Blackminster,
Worcestershire. What was destined
to become a lifelong interest in
music began at a very early age,
and after leaving school he
worked for a time in a record
His military
service was spent in the Royal
Air Force, where he trained as a
ground crew communications
technician, and upon discharge he
joined the BBC, initially working
in Cardiff, South Wales. By 1969,
he had moved to Scotland, where
he eventually became an Audio
Manager for the Corporation in
After around
thirty years' service, he was
offered an early-retirement
package, and this enabled him to
set-up ABCD Enterprises, to
specialise in digital restoration
and re-mastering of audio
The following
years would see him undertake
work for many record companies,
particularly those which were
involved in the re-issue of
vintage and back-catalogue
product. These include such
labels as Living Era, Naxos, Must
Close Saturday, Retrospective,
HEP, Memory Lane, Jasmine, Cherry
Red, Sackville, Spotlite and
Mastermix, encompassing a wide
range of musical genres.
In 2004, together
with the late David Ades, Alan
was instrumental in the
establishment of the Golden
Age of Light Music
series of CDs for the Swiss-based
company Guild Recordings.
Although it was initially
envisaged that he would be mainly
involved in carrying-out the
digital restorations, Alan soon
brought his considerable
knowledge of Light Music to bear
upon the repertoire side of the
series as well. As time went by,
the project virtually became a
'joint venture' between the two
It is doubtful if
the phenomenal success of this
series could have been foreseen
at the time of its inception, but
to date a total of 135 discs has
been published, containing well
in excess of three-thousand
tracks a unique and
magnificent achievement.
After the sad
death of David Ades in 2015, Alan
assumed overall management of the
series, and it was agreed that I
would assist him, writing the
booklet notes and contributing to
the choice of repertoire. We soon
established a good working
rapport, and as a result of this
new collaboration, a total of
seven further CDs was produced.
We were in regular
frequently daily contact,
discussing new ideas and planning
for future releases.
Alan owned a huge
collection of recordings, largely
in LP format, and was constantly
on the lookout for more material.
He was particularly interested in
the career and music of the
Canadian conductor and arranger
Percy Faith, of whom he had an
encyclopaedic knowledge, and was
responsible for creating the
much-acclaimed Percy Faith
Discography, containing copious
information about Faiths
enormous recorded canon.
Alan also made
significant contributions to the
discography of fellow-Canadian
composer, arranger and conductor
Robert Farnon, and was an
enthusiastic member (at a
distance) of the Robert Farnon
Society. When the latter ceased
operations in 2013, a number of
former members helped me to
set-up the London Light Music
Meetings Group to continue the
twice-yearly events, and Alan was
very encouraging about the new
venture, taking a great interest
in its progress.
Over the years,
Alan developed consummate skills
in the art (and science) of audio
restoration. He used a number of
proprietary hardware and software
systems, including the well-known
CEDAR. He was always striving to
improve his techniques and would
often spend hours to eliminate
noise, clicks, pops and blemishes
from an individual track.
He came to be
regarded as one of the very few
top UK specialists in this field
and was held in high esteem by
his many friends and colleagues
in the industry. When his wife
Janet sadly passed away about six
years ago, he threw himself back
into the work he loved so much,
regularly working through the
night to meet deadlines.
Alan suddenly
became ill just before
Christmas 2015, and as his
condition worsened, he was
admitted to hospital at the
beginning of January 2016.
Although the cause of his severe
infection was never fully
established, he was discharged
about two weeks later, even
though he was still quite unwell.
Although in increasingly severe
pain, he immediately resumed
work, and was able to finalise
the fourth-and-final volume of
'100 Great American Light
Orchestras' for Guild; this was
one of the last tasks he
undertook before he collapsed
once again and was re-admitted to
hospital. Sadly, his condition
continued to deteriorate and he
passed away on March 16th.
Because of the
great geographical distance
between us, Alan and I never
actually met, but through emails,
and particularly telephone calls,
we struck-up a great friendship
over several years, and
discovered that we had a number
of common interests in addition
to our shared love of music.
We are very
fortunate that Alan has left us a
wonderful legacy in the form of
all his audio restorations. The
world of recorded music is
greatly impoverished by his
passing, and Im sure that I
speak for very many when I say
that he will be greatly missed.
Our sincere
condolences are extended to his
sons David and Gareth, his
daughter Jane and his
Tony Clayden
? April 2016
Volume 4 of 'Great American Light
Orchestras' is scheduled to be
issued later in 2016, and
arrangements are in hand to
continue the Guild 'Golden Age Of
Light Music' series. Further
details will be announced in due