CROSSMAN 1920-2014

We regret to
report the death, on December
22nd, 2014, of Gerald Crossman -
distinguished accordionist,
bandleader and light music
composer, at the age of 94.
He was
particularly known to radio
listeners in the 1950s and 1960s,
directing his Gerald Crossman
Players, which gave hundreds of
broadcasts on the Light Programme
and Home Service of the BBC.
These included 123 editions of
'Music While You Work.' His
signature tune was' A Night in
Montmartre', one of over 100
pieces of light music which he
composed during his long career.
He also played regularly for many
other Broadcasting Orchestra
leaders of the day, such as Louis
Voss, Ralph Elman, Sidney Davey,
Arthur Anton, Lionel Falkman,
Marcel Gardner and George
Scott-Wood, to name but a few!
I was privileged
to know him for many years. He
was a real gentleman and one of
those rare people who never had a
bad word to say about anyone.
A full account of
his life and work can be found on
my website here.
Brian Reynolds
January 2015