Symphony/ Thierry Fischer
Hyperion CDA68324

Is another version
of the main work on this album
really needed? When it is as
terrific as this, the answer is:
yes! Not having listened for some
time to the seven versions I
already own, coming to it afresh
I am bowled over by what a
remarkable work it is.
Although this is
not light music, it definitely
fits the bill for consistently
melodious classical music
and in the absence of pure light
music releases, that it what I
try to recommend in these
You may have
already noted that the disc
length is well over the nowadays
all too often less than 60
minutes. There are nearly 26
minutes of three quality
"filler" items
all new to me, and I guess, many
others which are the icing
on the cake and make the CD a
best buy.
The first is a
lovely Rêverie et Caprice
played by the
multi-Grammy-nominee violinist
Philippe Quint. This is followed
by two equally beautiful choral
pieces: La Mort d'Ophélie
and Sara la beigneuse.
These are performed by the
orchestra with the Utah Symphony
Chorus and University of Utah
Chamber Choir.
The recording was
made in the Hall named after
Maurice Abravanel (conductor of
the Utah Symphony Orchestra for
32 years from 1946) in Salt Lake
City, Utah, in February 2019.
Interestingly, the
main work is closely associated
with the Swiss maestro Thierry
Fischer (born 1957 in Zambia)
who had been a principal
flautist as it was his
audition piece when the orchestra
was looking for a new music
director in 2009. He was also
principal conductor of the BBC
National Orchestra of Wales from
2006 until 2012, and appeared
every year at the BBC Proms.
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© Peter
Burt 2020