Music C171
This final CD from
This England and Evergreen
magazines is light music at its
best. A mix of rare and jolly
tunes and songs it brings down
the curtain on almost 300 CDs
released over 30 years. There
were more in the pipeline, all
featuring music never before
heard on CD and in some cases
unheard for 80 years but, sadly,
all good things come to an end
and the demise of the Cheltenham
operation was also the demise of
the music operation (see separate
article). Just for the
record (excuse the pun) here is
the track listing:
(Henry Hall); Syncopated
Clock (Leroy Anderson); One
OClock Jump (Benny
Goodman); Clockwork Clown
(Edward White); Clockwork
Clown (J.T. Heywood); Five
OClock Whistle (Glenn
Miller); Five OClock
Tea in the Dolls House
(W. Rosen); Three
OClock in the Morning
(Paul Whiteman); Rhythm of
the Clock (Peter Kane); The
Old Clockmaker (Charles
Williams); The Old Clockmaker
(modern Strauss film music); The
Dancing Clock (Montague
Ewing); Lets Stop the
Clock (Geraldo); Cuckoo
in the Clock (Debroy
Somers); 11.30 Saturday Night
(Sam Brown with Ambrose); In
a Clock Store (Charles
Orth); The Musical Clock of
Madame Pompadour (Harry
Davidson); When the Clock
Strikes (Gibbish); Fairy
on the Clock (Debroy
Somers); Rock Around the
Clock (Bill Haley); Little
Dutch Clock (Debroy Somers);
The Clockwork Bear (C.H.
Campbell); Tick O'the Clock
(Harry Davidson); My
Grandfathers Clock
(Harold Williams); The Clock
on the Wall (Maple Leaf
Four); The Clock and the
Dresden Figures (Ketelbey); Big
Ben is Saying Goodnight (Sam
Browne with Ambrose).
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