Tom Jenkins and the BBC Grand Hotel Orchestra
Total playing time: 76:29

This CD was released as long ago as 2002, but somehow managed to slip under the radar as far as reviews are concerned !

Those of us 'of a certain age' will certainly remember that, up until about the late '50s /early '60s, the BBC regularly attracted large audiences with their many Light Music programmes. One of the most popular of these was 'Grand Hotel, which had been established during the 1930s, and was originally transmitted from the Palm Court of that eponymous venue in the English seaside resort of Eastbourne, Sussex. Visitors there today will find numerous framed photographs and other memorabilia associated with the programmes.

In 1948, the broadcasts were transferred to London's Broadcasting House, although BBC were keen to perpetuate the fiction that they were still emanating from the actual hotel ! One of the most celebrated performers was the violinist Tom Jenkins, who was the leader of the BBC Palm Court Orchestra. Reputedly, at its peak, the programme was regularly heard by some ten million listeners !

A native of Leeds, Jenkins had shown early promise on the violin, appearing as a soloist aged only twelve at a local concert in his home town. He subsequently won prizes in Music Festivals held in Leeds and Hull, where he particularly impressed one of the examiners by the [then] name of Dr. Adrian Boult.

From the age of nineteen he was to be found playing in holiday resort orchestras throughout the UK. After six years as sub-leader of the Hastings Municipal Orchestra, he was appointed leader of the Grand Hotel Orchestra, just along the coast at Eastbourne.

Also in 1948, Jenkins took over from the seriously ill Albert Sandler as musical director of the latter, and was to be heard every Sunday evening on the broadcasts. Within a short time, he became a household name, receiving an enormous weekly postbag. It is believed that he insisted on replying to every single letter personally !

In 1951, Tom Jenkins and the BBC Grand Hotel Orchestra went into the 'EMI Studios' – [it is presumed those at Abbey Road, North-West London] – and 'cut' fifteen of the seventeen tracks on this CD. The remaining two are stated to be 'live performances', which may possibly have been recorded 'off-air'.

Jenkins left 'Grand Hotel' in 1954, but returned to the BBC the following year with his own ensemble, the Tom Jenkins Orchestra. This soon achieved similar popularity, but very sadly he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1956, and passed away the following year at the age of only forty-seven.

The programme comprises a good representative selection of the type of musical fare, both in content and performing style, which featured on the broadcasts. The track listing is as follows:-

Mazurka De Concert [Musin, arr. Cramer]
By The Sleepy Lagoon [Eric Coates]
Melodies Of Britain [Trad., arr. Jack Byfield]
If My Songs Were Only Winged [Hahn]
Parlez Moi D'Amour [Lenoir]
Fascination [Marchetti]
Dear Miss Phoebe – selection [H. Parr-Davies]
The Laughing Violin [Kai Mortenson]
Jealous Lover [Charles Williams]
Because You're Mine – selection [various]
Gypsy Carnaval [Yascha Krein]
Dream Serenade [Wusthoff]
Pizzicato form Sylvia [Delibes, arr. Cramer]
Waltzing Thru Filmland [various]
Meditation from Thais [Massenet]
Air On The G String [J. S. Bach]
To A Wild Rose [E. MacDowell]

Within the Orchestra, some of the items additionally feature two highly-regarded musicians who continued to be associated with the programme for many years after the passing of Tom Jenkins – Reginald Kilbey [cello] and Jack Byfield [piano].

The recording restoration was carried out by Paul Arden-Taylor and the audio quality is up to his usual very high standard. This CD has recently kept me company on a couple of lengthy car journeys, and is warmly recommended.

It is available from:-'

© Tony Clayden, June 2024

It is worthy of mention that Palm Court Concerts continue to be given at Eastbourne’s Grand Hotel, [usually on the last Sunday of every month], by Shelley van Loen and her Palm Court Strings. Full details can be obtained by contacting

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