Home > Children's Programmes > Billy Bean
![]() Operation of the machine was by means of the 'cartoonerator' which had a screen very much like a present-day personal computer. If Billy wanted the machine to make something he would draw it on the screen. The machine then drew pictures to indicate what raw materials were required. When these were placed in the mixerator, levers pulled and buttons pressed the machine got to work with suitable mechanical sound effects. Needless to say there were 'bugs' and the possibility of misunderstanding the graphical communication gave rise to considerable amusement. Some of the things the machine made were very surprising. Billy's voice came from Peter Hawkins. The voice of Yoo-Hoo, the stupid cuckoo bird who laid an egg at intervals, never more than one per programme, which rolled down a series of zig-zag channels on the machine, was Ivan Owen, later to become Basil Brush's voice too.
Sandra Heath Wilson writes: I remember this programme...and that Lester did indeed make appearances, but you never saw his face because he was in a divers costume, complete with the spherical helmet.
Peter Stevens writes: I vividly remember
as a 3 year old Billy Bean and his Funny Machine. Our
first television was installed for the Queens
Coronation on the 2nd June 1953. Billy aired the
following month. |
1. YOOHOO'S CUCKOO HOUSE It has a front door, a back door and a side door. Only Yoohoo knows which is which. |
2. EGG-CHUTES These carry Yoohoo's eggs safely into the Egg-bucket (When it's there--see 3). |
3. EGG-BUCKET For collecting eggs--only somebody's collecting the bucket. Could it be Lester ? It could ! |
4. STEAM KETTLE Provides steam for driving machine. B.B, chose steam as driving power because it rhymes with machine. (Well, practically.) |
5. TRAIN (BILLY BEAN RAILWAY) Delivers machine-made collar studs, etc. If asked nicely, will take passengers--if can be persuaded to stop. |
6. SMOKE This isn't coming from Yoohoo's sitting-room fire,but from the cakes he's left too long in the oven. |
7. CONTROL PANEL All the levers, switches, pushbuttons and gimeroos that work the Machine are found here. |
8. DORSET-FAWCET Invented by B.B.'s friend Mr. Fawcet of Dorset, B.B. can't remember what it's for but, doesn't like to ask Mr. Fawcet. |
9. ENGINE-ROOM DOOR Assistant Engineer just going in. |
10. MAIN
POPPERCATORY PISTON Steam driven (see 4). So called because of its popping-in-and-out action and the catory-catory noise it makes. |
11. WINDMILL Works machine in emergency. Frequently used. B.B. says it can turn machine into aeroplane. Nobody believes him. |
12. PRESSURATOR INDICATOR Shows amount of air in Cartoonerator. Must not go above 452 Airglobubobbles or Tasset valves start operating (see 17). |
13. TALKOMETER Two-way speaking and listening gadget wired to all parts of the Machine and Lester. |
14. PHASSABADASSA SWITCH Practically the Main Switch. Sometimes called the Ipswich, more often the Which switch ? |
BASSET VALVES Very dangerous. Not to be operated by anybody except Billy Bean. |
ALLERGATORY ENERGISING POWER DRIVE A big cog-wheel. So called because --well, see for yourself, it is a big cog-wheel. |
17. TASSET VALVES Very dangerous. Not to be operated by anybody at all. |
18. TAIL-END TURBINE Sometimes known as the Lesser Allergatory Energising Power Drive (see 16), |
19. BELLUSES This machine explains itself, at least it would do if asked but don't interrupt it now, its busy being blown by Billy Bean. |
20. CARTOONERATOR Draws pictures, designs things for the Machine to make, answers all questions. A mechanical marvel ! |
21. MIXERATOR Mixes up ingredients put into the Machine. Delivers finished articles to the Ejector Flap. A scientific sensation! |
22. COLLAR STUDS Machine is to make collar studs for twins. Something has gone wrong -- it's making twin collar studs! |
23. EJECTOR FLAP Releases whatever the Machine makes into the Catch-as-Catch-can net. |
24. CARTOONERATOR INK GUAGE Shows amount of ink in ink tanks. Should not drop below 254 inkglobubobbles or the Engine-Room Door sticks. |
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Metal model toys of Billy Bean made by Sacul in the early '50s |
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